Home Owner Tips & Information

The Energy Efficient Home

High energy use not only has environmental impacts but can hit you personally in the pocketbook. Here is a list of helpful suggestions that may allow you to reduce energy consumption in your household.

Water Conservation Tips

  • Take Shorter Showers: Minimize hot water use by taking shorter showers and washing clothes in cold water.
  • Full Loads Only: Use your dishwasher and washing machine only when they are fully loaded.
  • Dry Clothes Naturally: Dry clothes in the sun (check your local covenants as clotheslines may be prohibited in some communities).
  • Water Heater Setting: Set your water heater to 120 degrees to save energy.
  • Cold Water for Garbage Disposal: Use cold water instead of hot when running the garbage disposal.

Heating and Cooling Efficiency

  • Close Unused Rooms: Close doors to seldom-used rooms and turn off heating or air conditioning in these areas.
  • Filter Maintenance: Clean or replace heater and air conditioner filters regularly. Keep outside vents free of leaves or debris.
  • Exhaust Fan Usage: Use kitchen, bath, and other exhaust fans sparingly to avoid blowing away heated or cooled air.
  • Fireplace Tips: Keep your fireplace damper closed unless you have a fire going. Lower your thermostat to 50-55 degrees when using the fireplace.
  • Thermostat Management: Set your thermostat at the lowest comfortable level. Keep windows near the thermostat tightly closed to avoid overworking your furnace.
  • Professional Maintenance: Have your heating system checked periodically by a professional.
  • Insulation with Clothing: Use warm clothing to stay comfortable at cooler indoor temperatures.
  • Air Conditioner Settings: Set your air conditioner thermostat as high as comfortably possible and avoid setting it lower than necessary.
  • Fan Usage: Use fans in conjunction with window air conditioners and turn off window units when rooms are vacant for a few hours.
  • Shade Windows: Use blinds or shades to keep out daytime sun and keep windows open on cooler days with a fan running.

Lighting and Appliance Usage

  • Efficient Lighting: Keep lights off in vacant rooms and use large appliances during early morning or late evening.
  • Kitchen Efficiency: Boil water in a covered pan for faster boiling, keep range top burners and reflectors clean, and turn off ovens and electric burners before cooking is done to utilize residual heat.
  • Dishwasher Tips: Scrape dishes before loading, let dishes air dry, and avoid using the “rinse hold” for just a few soiled dishes.

Additional Energy-Saving Tips

  • Window Management: Keep windows tightly closed near your thermostat.
  • Routine Maintenance: Dust and vacuum radiator surfaces frequently to ensure efficient heat flow.
  • Drapery Usage: Keep draperies and shades open in sunny windows during the day and close them at night.
  • Proper Appliance Placement: Avoid placing lamps or TV sets near your air-conditioner thermostat to prevent unnecessary running time.
  • Dress for Comfort: Dress appropriately for warmer indoor temperatures.